Ushering in The Age of Abundance. Junipurr Jewelry Democratizes the Piercing Industry

Ushering in The Age of Abundance. Junipurr Jewelry Democratizes the Piercing Industry

Toronto, Canada, March 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — All that glitters is definitely NOT gold, for both piercers and their suppliers.

For quite some time the piercing industry was an uneven playing field, with a handful of companies monopolizing the supply chain and controlling access to high-quality products. This not only stifled competition but also bred elitism and exclusivity. Case in point: a new piercer starting their own studio could not get accounts with certain body jewelry suppliers. This limited their offerings to customers and thus affected their business. To address these challenges, Junipurr Jewelry came into existence, disrupting the status quo and championing accessibility in the piercing world.

Founded by Jennifer Mo in February 2020, Junipurr Jewelry swiftly positioned itself as a leader in the industry by addressing thehelp core issues of accessibility, affordability, and quality. Recognizing the hurdles faced by small businesses and aspiring piercers, JMo started her incredible journey with a mission to offer access to well-designed, well-manufactured gold and titanium body jewelry. And on top of that, the best in class pricing with fast shipping.


The journey began with a stark realization: the piercing industry lagged behind its tattoo counterpart in terms of infrastructure and financial viability. Piercers often struggled to establish themselves because not everyone could access the quality jewelry that clients wanted. It was also cost-prohibitive and took a long time to arrive. Tattoo artists, on the other hand, were free to order the needles, ink, and equipment they desired, with no gatekeepers in the way.

Junipurr Jewelry set out to dismantle this barrier, envisioning a future where piercers could thrive independently, supported by a robust ecosystem of suppliers and resources. Central to this vision were two beliefs: first, accessibility shouldn’t be a privilege but for all piercers. Secondly, piercers should be treated as partners–rather than just clients–in progress.

From competitive pricing to expedited shipping, every aspect of Junipurr’s operation is designed to improve the piercer’s experience and grow their business. Junipurr provides a smooth, transparent buying process through direct interactions with its customers: piercers from all over the world.

Recognizing their integral role in shaping the industry, Junipurr has sought to empower piercers by addressing their concerns and building a community for mutual support and growth. Enter the Junipurr Pro Team: a global network of reputable piercers who share the company’s vision of accessibility and excellence. Formed during the tumultuous period of the global shutdown in March 2020, the Pro Team–with representatives from North America, South America, and Europe–represents a diverse and dynamic community of piercing professionals committed to advancing the industry. Led by JMo’s relentless determination and strategic outreach efforts, the Pro Team quickly gained traction, attracting over 300 sign-ups within a week. Through virtual meetings and collaborative initiatives, Junipurr nurtured relationships with piercers worldwide, cultivating a spirit of camaraderie. Today, the Pro Team serves as a driving force behind Junipurr’s mission, providing invaluable insights, feedback, and advocacy within their respective regions.

One of Junipurr’s most significant contributions is reshaping the supply chain dynamics of the piercing industry. Through revealing cracks in the monopoly’s armour, Junipurr paved the way for a more diverse and competitive marketplace.

Existing vendors have taken on new accounts; customer service has improved; shipping times have never been as fast; and prices are more competitive than ever before. Overall, Junipurr’s main triumph has been in providing a better experience for consumers through access to a previously monopolized industry.

JMo’s vision extended beyond mere disruption; it encompassed a holistic reimagining of the industry’s future. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation, Junipurr positioned itself as a catalyst for industry evolution. JMo emphasizes the importance of maintaining high industry standards while allowing for growth.

A testimony from a happy client showcases the brand’s impact: “Junipurr has been such an answered prayer in my life. I feel like Junipurr’s mission statement is for piercers like me: making quality Gold (and titanium) accessible to a teeny tiny one-woman show with a tight budget. Thank you for making me feel seen and valid in a place where the “little guys” often get overlooked.”

From rebranding efforts to the expansion of product lines, every initiative has been guided by a singular purpose: to elevate the standards and success of piercers and the piercing industry worldwide.

Despite industry resistance, Junipurr has remained steadfast in its commitment to inclusivity and integrity. The brand is known for its responsible business conduct by promoting diversity and ethical sourcing practices. Junipurr has also implemented initiatives such as the Code of Conduct and Complaints Policy to ensure transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights throughout its operations.

Junipurr Jewelry stands as a testament to the power of vision, resilience, and collective action. From its humble beginnings in 2020 to its solid presence in 58 countries today, Junipurr has helped reconfigure the landscape of the piercing industry. By making quality body jewelry accessible to all piercers, Junipurr has sparked a cultural shift towards accessibility and empowerment.

As JMo reflects on Junipurr’s journey, she emphasizes the importance of staying true to one’s values and purpose. For her, success isn’t merely measured in profits or market share but in the positive impact on piercers’ lives and the industry as a whole.

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Name: Jennifer Mo


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