Posters with pictures of Quaid-e-Azam greets Pakistan Day in IIOJK – Pakistan Observer

Posters with pictures of Quaid-e-Azam greets Pakistan Day in IIOJK – Pakistan Observer

Posters have appeared in Srinagar and other areas of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, with greeting messages ahead of the Pakistan Day to be celebrated on March 23.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the posters, displayed by Jammu and Kashmir Political Resistance Movement, Justice and Peace Initiative, Nawjawanan-e-Hurriyet Jammu Kashmir and Jammu Kashmir Democratic Movement also carrying the famous slogan coined by martyred veteran Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Gilani ‘Hum Pakistani Hain, Pakistan Hamara Hai’, were pasted on walls, pillars and poles in Srinagar and several other areas of the Kashmir valley.

The posters with Pakistan flag and picture of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (RA) and Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir greeted the Pakistanis on their national day. The posters said: “People of Jammu and Kashmir demand an end to Indian illegal occupation and want freedom”, “Go India Go Back”, “Jammu and Kashmir is part of Pakistan.”

“India has turned Kashmir into a military garrison. Kashmiris want freedom from Indian illegal occupation and will never compromise on their just cause of right to self-determination,” read some posters.

The posters also read, “It is the time to raise voice against the Indian occupation, united.” The posters were also shared on social media platforms, including Facebook and twitter.—KMS


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