‘No freedom of peaceful assembly in IIOJK – Pakistan Observer

‘No freedom of peaceful assembly in IIOJK – Pakistan Observer

Kashmiri delegation during a meeting with United Nations Special Rapporteur, Celement Nyaletsossio Voule in Geneva apprised him about the current situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, especially the Modi-led Indian government’s denial of freedom of peaceful assembly and association to the people of the territory. According to Kashmir Media Service, the Kashmiri delegation comprising Syed Faiz Naqashbandi, Hassn ul Banna, Advocate Parvez Ahmad Shah and Barrister Nida Salam called on Celement Nyaletsossio Voule, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association, at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The Kashmir delegation told the Special Rapporteur that on the eve of Narender Modi’s recent visit to IIOJK, the people of the territory were hounded under the barrel of gun to attend the gathering at Bakhshi stadium where the Indian prime minister spoke against their will. The visiting delegation told Celement Nyaletsossio Voule that students and government employees were forced by the occupation authorities to attend the engineered gathering. The delegation also drew the attention of the Special Rapporteur towards the banning of pro-freedom organizations who show dissent to the Indian illegal occupation. The delegation acquainted the Special Rapporteur about the denial of religious compressions to the Kashmiri Muslims.

The Kashmiri delegation said that the Special Rapporteur noted their submissions and showed serious concern about the denial of freedom of peaceful assembly and association to the people of IIOJK.—KMS