New electricity prices for Karachi residents in next 4 months – Pakistan Observer

KARACHI – The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has increased the electricity prices by Rs10.01 per unit for Karachi consumers on account of fuel cost adjustment.

The amount will be collected from the consumers in four months – June, July, August and September 2024 – the regulatory authority notified.

In June 2024, an additional amount of Rs2.68 per unit will be collected in electricity bills while Rs3.11 per unit will be recovered in bills for the month of July 2024.

Similarly, Rs3.22 per unit will be recovered in electricity bills for the month of August whereas Rs1 per unit will be recovered in September.

The revised prices will not be applicable to lifeline customers.

Nepra has increased the power tariff by Rs2.68 per unit for June 2024. The new electricity price will be decided in line with the Nepra’s new notification.

The new price of electricity for Karachi will be set after including the recently hiked amount of Rs3.11 per unit.

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