Modi regime using water as a tool of spreading chaos in Pakistan – Pakistan Observer

Modi regime using water as a tool of spreading chaos in Pakistan – Pakistan Observer

The Modi regime is using water as a tool of spreading chaos in Pakistan. A report released by Kashmir Media Service on World Water Day, today, said India is using water as an instrument of war against Pakistan and is creating deliberate water shortages for Pakistan under the underlying aim of harming Pakistan.

It said India has been trying to establish its hegemony in the region by controlling water resources and the Modi government is using even natural disasters as a weapon against Pakistan.

The report said India diverts river-courses during monsoons to release too much water towards Pakistan causing floods and destruction. It said India plans to convert grain producing land of Pakistan into deserts through inundation.

It said India’s controlled release of flood waters is a sheer violation of the Indus Water Treaty, adding the violation of IWT is in line with India’s national policy of backtracking from its pledges and breaking international agreements.

The report maintained that the world community should come forward to press India to follow international norms, especially during natural disasters.—KMS


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