Lakki protests deteriorating law & order | The Express Tribune


Thousands of people took to the streets in Lakki Marwat in a massive display of public outrage, rallying against the deteriorating law and order situation.

Sarai Naurang city observed a complete shutter-down strike that paralysed business activities and disrupted daily life throughout the day. The city came to a standstill as shops, business centres, markets, and private educational institutions remained firmly shut, rendering the city’s business landscape inert.

The Bannu-DI Khan Road experienced a complete halt in traffic from 8 am until evening, exacerbating the disruption caused by the protest.

However, the strike was called off after successful negotiations between protesters and the district administration, marking the end of the morning’s shutter-down strike in Sarai Naurang Bazar.

Addressing the demonstrators, former district nazim Iqbal Hussain Advocate, president of the peace committee, announced the fruition of talks with authorities.

Assurances were made by the district administration to arrest the actual suspects behind the recent two murders within the span of ten days.

Additionally, demands including the inclusion of the deceased Gul Asghar and Qudratullah in the Shuhada Package and the reinstatement of checkpoints at sensitive locations were acceded to during negotiations.

Subsequently, the protesters dispersed peacefully following the discussions.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 28th, 2023.

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