Kashmiri delegation stages anti-India protest in front of UN office – Pakistan Observer

Kashmiri delegation stages anti-India protest in front of UN office – Pakistan Observer

A Kashmiri delegation, headed by Altaf Hussain Wani, staged a strong protest in front of the UN office against India’s illegal occupation and systematic violations of human rights committed by Indian forces in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, besides representatives of the delegation, the protest demonstration was addressed by. Asif Jarral, Sardar Amjad Yousaf, Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, Advocate Parvaiz Ahmad, Hassan Bana, Atiqe Jarral and others

Referring to the fast deteriorating political and human rights situation in occupied Kashmir, the speakers sought the UN Commission’s urgent intervention to help stop bloodshed and human rights violations in the troubled region.

The Kashmiri delegates, currently in Geneva to attend the 55th session of the UNHRC, impressed upon the Council and other international human rights organizations to take effective notice of the Indian government’s totalitarian measures that seek to change the demography of the Muslim majority state and convert it into a minority.

They said the human rights situation in the oc-cupied territory has further worsened since India’s apartheid regime revoked Article 370 and 35A in August 2019.

Seeking the highest body’s urgent intervention to stop bloodshed and violence in the territory, the speakers appealed to the world community to take tangible measures to hold the Indian government accountable for its actions it had taken on Kashmir unilaterally.—KMS


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