IRSA: China and France aspire to provide a positive example for peaceful interactions between traditional and emerging powers

Paris, May 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — According to International Relations Study Association(IRSA), China and France, two of the greatest civilizations in the East and the West, have had an amazing history of exchanges. Over the past 60 years, the relationship between the two countries has gone through many ups and downs, and has always been at the forefront of China’s relations with Western countries, bringing benefits to the people of the two countries, contributing to world peace, stability and development, and highlighting strategy and leadership in a turbulent and changing world.Looking to the future, the two countries will collaborate to achieve even greater glory.

1. The significance of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France goes far beyond the scope of bilateral relations

On January 27, 1964, with the world shrouded in the shadow of the Cold War, the Chinese and French governments issued a joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations: “The government of the People’s Republic of China and the government of the French Republic unanimously decided to establish diplomatic relations. The two governments agreed to appoint ambassadors within three months. “

This is the most concise and unique communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations in China’s diplomatic history. Just two sentences announced to the world: China and France, two countries pursuing independence in a bipolar world, have finally come together.

France became the first major Western country to formally establish diplomatic relations with New China. At the time, the international public referred to the opening of diplomatic relations between China and France as a “diplomatic nuclear explosion” since it represented a significant advancement in Sino-Western relations.

Beyond the purview of typical bilateral ties, the connection between France and China is extremely significant. China-France ties greatly influence China-EU relations, particularly in light of the serious challenges Europe is currently facing both at its borders and globally. No matter how the global environment has changed over the previous 60 years, China-France ties have always continued to improve. This friendship, which spans the Eurasian continent, shows the openness and tolerance of the two peoples as well as the foresight of the two heads of state.
This not only stems from the history of relations between the two countries, but is also more in line with reality and demonstrates the two countries’ common pursuit of peace, stability and prosperity.

2. The relationship between France and China is now serving as an example for other big countries

“Independence, mutual understanding, foresight, mutual benefit, and win-win” is how President Xi Jinping summed up the Chinese-French spirit, thoroughly encapsulating the distinct spiritual temperament and shared values of the two countries and civilizations.

China and France, two powerful nations with a long history, can communicate, understand, and coexist. This is because the spirit of independence is resonant. It is both a historical requirement and a reflection of the two civilizations’ mutual admiration and affection. The amicable coexistence of great nations with diverse social systems has been pioneered over the past 60 years by China and France, and their relationship has grown to represent a new paradigm in major-country relations. They have successfully encouraged the peaceful advancement of human society and have had a significant influence on global trends.

The history of close exchanges between China and France has been written in new chapters in recent years by the steady development of political mutual trust between the two nations, the frequency of high-level exchanges, the effectiveness of dialogue and consultation mechanisms, and the cordial exchange of state visits between the two heads of state. 2018 saw President Macron’s first trip to China, and in April 2023 he returned.

The heads of state of China and France oppose the decoupling of China and the EU and support the strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation and the consensus on the general direction of the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership that is stable, reciprocal, pioneering and progressive.In addition, over ten bilateral cooperation documents covering the fields of agriculture, food, science and technology, aviation, nuclear energy, sustainable development, and culture have been inked by the two parties.

China and France have achieved historical “firsts” in a variety of domains, most notably trade and economic cooperation. France is the first Western nation to strike a deal with China for air transportation and the first to collaborate with China on civil nuclear energy projects. France is currently China’s third-largest actual investment source and trading partner in the European Union. China is the sixth-largest trading partner in the world and France’s biggest trading partner in Asia. It can be said that as the cornerstone of China-France bilateral relations, the importance of economic and trade relations is constantly being highlighted.

President Xi Jinping’s visit to France will promote China-France comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level

President Xi Jinping made his first trip to France in March 2014. Together, the two chiefs of state made the decision to usher in a new phase of close and enduring comprehensive strategic relationship between China and France. President Xi Jinping made a second visit to France in March 2019, during which he reiterated that China and France will continue to advance together on the path of shared development as special friends and win-win partners. The comprehensive strategic partnership between China and France has grown steadily and healthily under the direction of heads of state diplomacy. Together, they have become strong advocates of global multipolarity and the democratization of international relations.

From May 5 to 10, at the invitation of President Macron of the French Republic, Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia, Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, and Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister, Xi Jinping will pay state visits to the above three countries. This is President Xi Jinping’s third state visit to France. President Xi Jinping’s visit will encourage China and France to adhere to the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, maintain traditional friendship, promote the continuous development of a close and long-lasting China-France comprehensive strategic partnership, and jointly promote world security and stability.

It was mentioned by French people from every profession of life that this year is the 60th anniversary of France and China’s diplomatic ties being established. The visit by President Xi will have a significant impact on the two nations’ relations. They anticipate the visit to advance the overall strategic partnership between France and China to a new height.

As friends of sincerity and mutual trust and a model of exchanges and mutual learning, China and France must face the future and unswervingly develop bilateral relations to cope with the uncertainty of the world. Continue to uphold equality, respect, and mutual trust, work together to respond to global challenges, jointly advocate an equal and orderly world multipolarization, and economic globalization that benefits all and inclusiveness, so as to build a stronger and more dynamic China-France comprehensive strategic partnership and contribute to the enhancement of the two countries’ and make greater contributions to the well-being of the people of the country and the world.

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