Fake robbery report exposed | The Express Tribune

Fake robbery report exposed | The Express Tribune


The police in Liaqatabad area have arrested a suspect who attempted to fabricate a robbery story to disguise a self-inflicted bullet wound sustained during a heated dispute with his girlfriend on Monday.

The individual, identified as Usman, reportedly shot himself following a disagreement with his beloved. In an effort to conceal the true origin of his gunshot injury from his family, he concocted a tale of being a victim of robbery and resistance.

Usman dialled the police helpline 15, alleging that unidentified motorcyclists had robbed him, snatching cash and valuables before shooting him in response to his resistance. However, when questioned by the police under suspicion, Usman eventually confessed to the deceitful account.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 28th, 2023.

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