Elderly man rescued after being buried alive for four days | The Express Tribune

In a harrowing turn of events, authorities in Moldova rescued a 62-year-old man who was buried alive for almost four days, Daily Mail reported.

The startling incident was initially uncovered during the probe into the death of a 74-year-old woman whose body was found at her residence by a relative.

Read more: Woman claims to have gone 16 years without eating or drinking

The saga began with the discovery of the elderly woman’s body, prompting swift police action. As law enforcement officers apprehended a suspect in connection with her death and scoured the village for evidence, they stumbled upon a distressing cry for help emanating from beneath the earth.

Responding swiftly, police officers unearthed a makeshift underground chamber, ingeniously concealed by a teenage boy who had imprisoned the elderly man within. The rescued individual, weak and injured but miraculously conscious, relayed a chilling account of his ordeal.

According to authorities, the rescued man recounted a dispute that escalated into violence, with the teenager allegedly wielding a knife in a drunken rage. Subsequently, the assailant callously sealed the victim in the subterranean enclosure, burying him alive under a mound of soil.

In a chilling twist, investigators suspect the teenager of not only perpetrating this heinous act but also being involved in the murder of the elderly woman the following day.

 Despite conflicting statements from the suspect, law enforcement remains resolute in their pursuit of justice.

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