Clampdown on smoke-emitting vehicles intensifies | The Express Tribune

Clampdown on smoke-emitting vehicles intensifies | The Express Tribune


The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Transport Department has increased efforts to clamp down on vehicles emitting toxic smoke to curb pollution in Peshawar.

Orders have been issued to collect documents from the drivers of numerous vehicles and conduct daily smoke checks. The authorities, in collaboration with the traffic police officers, are inspecting vehicles emitting smoke on various Peshawar roads, collecting documents from drivers, and issuing orders for further vehicle checks in the VETS mobile laboratory.


Smoke-emitting vehicles banished from Lahore’s roads

The transport authorities state that the VETS team, in coordination with the traffic police, is actively conducting daily operations against smoke-emitting vehicles in Peshawar.

The Mobile VETS teams, stationed on different roads, inspect over 300 vehicles daily, including auto rickshaws, taxis, and large vehicles, for emission of toxic smoke.

During these operations, drivers are fined, and their documents are collected. They are directed to undergo smoke checks in the VETS mobile laboratory.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 22nd, 2023.

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