Call for teaching constitution at schools | The Express Tribune

Call for teaching constitution at schools | The Express Tribune


The teaching of constitution should be introduced at high school levels and the youth should be taught its key articles such as those explaining the core duties and responsibilities of the state and the ones relating to fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens.

This is one of the key recommendations of the report ‘Youth Perspective on Society, Religion, and Politics; A Case Study of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Students’ launched by Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS).

The students, journalists, academics, lawmakers, and members of civil society participated in the launching ceremony. The members of K-P Assembly including Sardar Ranjit Singh, and Wilson Wazir as well as Judge Shariah Appellant Bench of Supreme Court Dr Khalid Masud were the key participants of the event.

The report is based on surveys and discussions with students of different universities of K-P. The member of provincial assembly (MPA) Wazir said that it was the duty of lawmakers to highlight such reports on youth perspective at the parliamentary forums and urged the need to bring inter-faith harmony among different segments of society. He stressed that hate material should be removed from the curricula.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 28th, 2021.

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