APHC urges UN to resolve Kashmir dispute as per its resolutions – Pakistan Observer

APHC urges UN to resolve Kashmir dispute as per its resolutions – Pakistan Observer

Incarcerated Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Masarrat Aalam Butt, has urged the United Nations to resolve the Kashmir dispute in line with its resolutions that guaranteed the Kashmiri people the inalienable right to self-determination.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Masarrat Aalam Butt in a message sent from New Delhi’s infamous Tihar Jail and released in Sringaar said that the UN failure to implement its resolutions on Kashmir has resulted in the continued suffering of the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

He said that the Kashmiris were not only subjected to the worst human rights violations by the Indian armed forces and their collaborators but were also projected in a bad light by the Hindutva aligned Indian media.

He said the BJP regime is imposing one brutal tactic after another to intimidate the Kashmiris into submission. He said that on one hand, Indian forces’ personnel were terrorizing the Kashmiri youth during so-called cordon and search operations and house raids, while on the other, the Indian authorities were confiscating the properties of the people to punish them for opposing illegal occupation of their homeland.

He said thousands of political prisoners including Hurriyat leadership, activists, youth, women, journalists and religious scholars were languishing in different jails in and outside the occupied territory, adding that many of them were facing illegal incarcerations for years without any trial.

He deplored that the India after failing to conquer the Kashmiris through military might has imposed more brutal policies in Kashmir to keep its people enslaved.

He flayed the pliant Indian media for launching a vicious campaign against the peace and freedom loving Kashmiri leaders and people and unleashing unsubstantiated propaganda against them and the freedom movement. He also strongly denounced the Hindutva Modi government’s machinations to brutally suppress the ongoing right to self determination demand in IIOJK.

The illegally detained APHC chairman urged upon to the international community to hold India accountable for its brutalities in IIOJK and help resolve the Kashmir dispute as per the UN resolutions and aspirations of the suppressed Kashmiris.—KMS


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