Aitkaf in Faisal Masjid 2024: Check complete details here

Aitkaf in Faisal Masjid 2024: Check complete details here

Aitkaf in Faisal Masjid 2024: Check complete details here

Muslims in Pakistan and around the world traditionally observe Aitkaf during the last 10 days of Ramadan each year. During this time, they seclude themselves in mosques and conclude their seclusion upon sighting the moon for Eidul Fitr.

Most individuals choose the mosque closest to their residence to observe Aitkaf, with the primary intention of engaging in prayers.

Aitkaf at iconic mosques like Faisal Mosque holds special significance for Pakistanis. Situated in the heart of the Margalla Hills, the mosque offers a breathtaking view of the capital city.

In 2024, at least 300 people are expected to observe Aitkaf in the renowned contemporary mosque of Faisal Masjid. Applications for Aitkaf at Faisal Mosque will be allocated slots, with the administration distributing slots on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

This year, the administration has designated the 10th day of Ramadan as the deadline for submitting applications. Those interested in participating in Aitkaf must obtain an application form from the Islamic Centre.

A fee of Rs5,000 must be paid via bank draft along with the application. Applicants are required to submit a copy of their national identity card and two passport-sized photos with the form. The maximum age limit for Aitkaf participants is set at 60 years.

Upon registration, participants are expected to arrive at Faisal Mosque before Iftar on the 20th day of Ramadan.

For those unfamiliar with the practice, individuals observing Aitkaf must make their own arrangements for Sehri and Iftar. The administration provides books and copies of the Quran to participants, while lectures are organized for those observing Aitkaf.


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