3 drops of toilet cleaner mixed in my food, Bushra Bibi claims – Daily Times

Former First Lady, wife of PTI founder Bushra Bibi has claimed that 3 drops of toilet cleaner was added to my food on Shab-e-Miraj.

Bushra Bibi spoke to journalists while appearing in the court of Adiala Jail.

Bushra Bibi claimed that someone told me in the jail that toilet cleaner has been added to the food, but I will not tell  name.

Bushra Bibi said that the research revealed that after a month of toilet cleaner, my health worsens, I have swelling in my eyes, chest and stomach pain.

Bushra Bibi added that I find food and water also bitter.

In the meantime, the journalist asked Bushra Bibi that if there was an inquiry into the poisoning case, what evidence do you have? In response to this, Bushra Bibi said that from where should I bring evidence.

She said that earlier the windows were kept closed, now they are opened for some time, I have been kept respectfully in Bani Gala.

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